
Affichage des articles du décembre, 2018

The way my kitten morphs into my beard

Cheetah cubs in Kenyan bush (OC)

Mau Mau is bringing in the new year like 🤪


The cutest picture I’ve taken of this little princess all year

This one hasn’t made it to ball drop...

I love my baby girl so much I thought I’d show her to the world! Reddit, this is my Maisie.

Happy New Years from Sir Nibbler

It's an illustration, but almost as good as the real thing. Gorgeous kitty pic 😍

Grayscale picture of two cats.

Call me Ripley

I don’t think this is going to be allowed but I thought you all would enjoy it as much as me.

Did I just hear the can opener?!

My new Christmas kitty...this is Jack!

Sweet baby Bellamy LOVES heated blankets 🖤

Last but not least, we send you two super lucky kisses, the last ones for 2018! 🍀 Wishing you peace, love and laughter for the new year 2019! 🙏🏻 Muah! 😽

a glamour shot of Lacey

The beast with two faces

I guess I'm just a living, breathing cat bed...

My girl's thousand mile stare

He got tired waiting for Santa Claws...

Staring at the hummingbirds outside

Whenever I am sad I can count on Mau Mau to cheer me up

Nap time for Maine Coon Ryan Reynolds

Rambo is just starting to get used to our Christmas nonsense...right as we’re about to take it all down

It's a lazy Sunday for Taiga! 😻

A very happy but naughty house panther

Pets are for life, not just for Christmas and New Year! Remember, we are a lifetime commitment... not just a gift for under the tree... 🎄🎅🏻

He'll sit there like that after grooming himself. Almost like he forgets it's sticking out.

This is Brian

Logan's new favorite spot to sit 🐈

Going into the new year with a clean bill of health and all her vaccines!

This male cat made me adopt him. :) Can you help me find a name for him? but nothing too common.

Dexter​ doing​ his​ very​ best​ impersonation of​ the​ Uncle​ Sam​ propaganda​ poster.​

Lily decided to enjoy her mama’s lap with the fuzzy blanket just before mealtime. Her sister Lizi is looking on with disdain. Lily is uncomfortable with the staring.

Oh Catmas Tree, Oh Catmas Tree... [OC]

Sad boy Grayby, depressed his big sister is ill. Still handsome as ever.


How did I get outside?

Two years apart: 2016 Aria vs 2018 Aria! 😸😘❤️


Hey Mom can you pass me the br-

Freckled nose

Tried to include her for the girls’ pic...Nope

Cat in a box, not in socks, not on rocks, Not over here, not over there, cat in a box.

Peter B is so small! He likes to sit inside my dresser drawers.

Little Birdy takin a nap. I love her.

He’s got a dignified new gray spot in the fur above his nose!

Toast Malone is a little tired from Christmas festivities!

She is my favorite partner to scroll through Reddit with. Sometimes she even does the scrolling. Meet Luigi Louise.